Intro to Linux on the HPC

Donald Bren Hall 3011

This course is for researchers who have never used Linux and/or a computer cluster and introduces concepts and best practices for both. Description: This course covers how to best exploit the bash shell for both interactive work and batch jobs, moving & simple manipulation of data, as well very short introductions to programming in bash, […]

Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis

This course provides an introduction to the basics of using open source software tools to analyze large scale genomics data, specifically Next Generation Sequencing data. In this course, you will learn general NGS workflow, data analysis pipeline, data formats, short read mapping and alignment software, general workflow for DNA-seq, RNA-seq and ChIP-seq. Data visualization tools […]

Intro to Linux on the HPC

This course is for researchers who have never used Linux and/or a computer cluster and introduces concepts and best practices for both. Description: This course covers how to best exploit the bash shell for both interactive work and batch jobs, moving & simple manipulation of data, as well very short introductions to programming in bash, […]

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