Introduction to R

This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of the R language. Description: This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of the R language. In this course, you will learn how to program in R and how to effectively use R to do data analysis. The course covers introduction to data/object types in R, […]

Advanced R Topics: RStan & RMarkdown

A half-day workshop on Bayesian Analysis with R-Stan, and report generation with RMarkdown. Description: A half-day workshop on Bayesian Analysis with R-Stan, and report generation with RMarkdown. RStan is a powerful tool to do Bayesian analyses in R. While teaching students how they can do Bayesian analysis in R, we will briefly teach RMarkdown and […]

Working with Big Data in Linux – CANCELLED

This course extends the topics introduced in the Introduction to Linux class, including a lightning review of the introduction topics and then extending to large scale data processing. Description: This course extends the topics introduced in the Introduction to Linux class, including a lightning review of the introduction topics and then extending to large scale data processing. […]

Big Data Methods: Hadoop, Spark, and more

Expert instructors from the San Diego Supercoming Center (SDSC) will visit to teach a 1-day tutorial on the latest big data technologies. These include general tools such as Hadoop and Spark, as well as the resources such as Comet which are available at SDSC. Description: Expert instructors from the San Diego Supercoming Center (SDSC) will […]

Introduction to Linux

This course is for researchers who have never used Linux and/or a compute cluster and introduces concepts and best practices for both. Description: This course is for researchers who have never used Linux and/or a compute cluster and introduces concepts and best practices for both. This course covers how to best exploit the bash shell […]

Predictive Modeling with Python

Learn about the practice of predictive modeling using Python. Description: Learn about the practice of predictive modeling using Python. To find out about future one-day courses, please join our mailing list. Python is a popular language for scientific processing and machine learning. This course will introduce general modeling concepts in addition to concrete examples based […]

Introduction to R

This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of the R language and its applications to data analysis. Description: This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of the R language and its applications to data analysis. In this course, you will learn how to program in R and how to effectively use R for […]

Data Science and Digital Humanities

Please join us for a 1-day Symposium where leading scholars will present and discuss hands-on digital humanities projects both in terms of their conceptual research design and of their infrastructure. Developing from what used to be called humanities computing, Digital Humanities encompass a variety of topics, from curating online collections to data mining large cultural data […]

Data Science and Digital Humanities

Digital Humanities encompass a variety of topics, from curating online collections to data mining large cultural data sets. Description: Digital Humanities encompass a variety of topics, from curating online collections to data mining large cultural data sets. Please join us for a 1-day symposium where leading scholars will present and discuss hands-on digital humanities projects […]

Working with Big Data in Linux

This course extends the topics introduced in the Introduction to Linux class, including a lightning review of the introduction topics and then extending to large scale data processing. Description: This course extends the topics introduced in the Introduction to Linux class, including a lightning review of the introduction topics and then extending to large scale data processing. […]

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