Introduction to R

This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of the R language. The application deadline has passed.  To find out about future one-day courses, please join our mailing list. This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of the R language. The application deadline has passed.  To find out about future one-day courses, please join […]

Working with Big Data in Linux

This course extends the topics introduced in the Introduction to Linux class, including a lightning review of the introduction topics and then extending to large scale data processing. The application deadline has passed.  To find out about future one-day courses, please join our mailing list.   This course extends the topics introduced in the Introduction to […]

Analyzing Data/BigData on Linux

This course extends the topics introduced in the Introduction to Linux class, including a lightning review of the introduction topics and then extending to large scale data processing. The application deadline has passed.  To find out about future one-day courses, please join our mailing list. This course extends the topics introduced in the Introduction to Linux […]

An Introduction to Linux on the High-Performance Computing Cluster

This course is for researchers who have never used Linux and/or a compute cluster and introduces concepts and best practices for both. The application deadline has passed.  To find out about future one-day courses, please join our mailing list.   This course is for researchers who have never used Linux and/or a compute cluster and introduces concepts […]

Data Science Hackathon

The UCI Data Science Initiative is hosting a Hackathon with the goal of analyzing data from Reddit, a user-generated news platform. Participants will work in teams to identify an interesting question and use data analytics to answer it. All teams will give a brief presentation at the end of the day for a chance to win a gift card.   The UCI Data […]

Introduction to R Short Course

This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of the R language.   Description: This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of the R language. In this course, you will learn how to program in R and how to effectively use R to do data analysis. The course covers introduction to data/object types in […]

Large-Scale Machine Learning with the SimSQL System

A presentation by Professor Chris Jermaine, Computer Science,  Rice University Description: A presentation by Professor Chris Jermaine, Computer Science,  Rice University   Date: Friday, January 30, 2015 Time: 3:00 to 4:00 pm Location: Donald Bren Hall, Room 3011 (directions) In this talk, Professor Chris Jermaine will describe the SimSQL system, which is a platform for writing and executing statistical […]

Modeling wealth, behavior, and mobility with terabyte-scale network data

A presentation by Joshua Blumenstock, Assistant Professor, Information School, University of Washington   Description: A presentation by Joshua Blumenstock, Assistant Professor, Information School, University of Washington   Date: Thursday, February 5, 2015 Time: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Location: Donald Bren Hall Room 4011 (directions) RSVP is not required   Co-sponsored by the UCI Data Science Initiative ( and […]

Privacy in the Land of Plenty

Privacy-preserving data analysis has a large literature that spans several disciplines.  "Differential privacy" -- a notion tailored to situations in which data are plentiful -- has provided a theoretically sound and powerful framework, and given rise to an explosion of research.  We will review the definition of differential privacy, describe some algorithmic contributions, and conclude […]

Real Time Analytics @Twitter

In this talk, we will give an overview of real time analytics, discuss the twitter real time data pipeline and how Storm is used for extracting analytics. We will also discuss the challenges we faced and lessons we have learned while building this infrastructure at Twitter. Description: In this talk, we will give an overview […]

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