This course provides an introduction to the basics of using open source software tools to analyze large scale genomics data, specifically Next Generation Sequencing data.
In this course, you will learn general NGS workflow, data analysis pipeline, data formats, short read mapping and alignment software, general workflow for DNA-seq, RNA-seq and ChIP-seq. Data visualization tools will also be covered. Single Cell RNA-seq will be discussed.
Date:October 20, 2016
Time:9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with lunch provided
Location: Donald Bren Hall, Room 4011
Instructor: Jenny Wu, UC Irvine
Pre-requisites: Some programming experience is recommended. For the tutorial, bring a laptop with wifi and is pre-registered with the UCI Mobile network with a free HPC account. For Windows users, please install the “putty” terminal program (PuTTY) and the Windows x2go client (x2go).
Learning Materials:http://ghtf.biochem.uci.edu/content/ngs-data-analysis